Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Gratitude list.

This one is a bit more personal, but wanted to share it in the hope it might inspire others.  I have been thinking a lot recently about how I react to things, how my behaviours affect my day and my mood and therefore my ability to enjoy life!

I have also been doing a lot of reading on spirituality and gone back into Brandon Bays 'journey work' and even something my wee cousin said to me years ago keeps popping in my head "I'm good at seeing whats NOT , and ignore what IS (good in my life)".  So did a wee google search to see what came up on the old gratitude thing.. and this blog is lovely! http://www.thechangeblog.com/gratitude/

i did a sizable list that took me over 3 hours over 2 nights (and I'm a touch typist!). decided to not share it all, but just give some edited highlights in the hope that it inspires other to do their own.
WHY should you do it?
I can only speak for me, but in the 4 days since I started this process I have been generally much more contented, more able to step out of whats going on at the minute and be able to distance myself from it long enough to be able to deal more rationally and less emotionally, and that's only 4 days..
my plan.
is to every morning, soon as I wake, thank the 'universe' for 3 things that I am grateful for, and that way it'll help me stay in a more contented place and not slip into 'the what I've not got' thing that I'm so good at!.
My list included things like..
the weather (esp the rain in Glasgow) cos it keeps us in the lovely green place
for being born in a time when i have the opportunity to do things like degrees, living in south Korea
family for supporting me
friends for loving me for exactly who i am
my body for tolerating the years of abuse its had thrown at it.
for having the opportunity to learn so much every day
so go on, be inspired to write your own.. and feel free to comment at the bottom with some of yours!!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

new Clinic and Licensing.

Hello there

it has been quite a few months since my last visit here.. just been working away.

Finally found a new clinic, in Rutherglen to practice my acupuncture and now am just waiting for the licensing to get back to me so that I can begin work, but all the prep has been done, and even had the environmental health out who were quite happy with my level of hygene etc.

Have to say I was more than a little perplexed when she turned to the student she has with her to indicate that they insist on a 'closed room' due to potential for 'blood spatter'.  I found this highly amusing to be honest, as I have never had more than a drop of blood in the near 5 years I've been working.  She did suggest that it was more important for skin piercing (i.e. jewelry) but did still feel the need to mention it.

Please dont think I am upset or annoyed at the process of obtaining a skin piercing license in order to practice, I most certainly am not, I value the council for ensuring those of us practicing are working to a high level of safety and hygene, however i believe that being allowed a year to issue said licence a little eh.. draining.  That said it has never taken more than 8 weeks for me in the past, so here's hoping in 4 weeks time I'll be blogging to advise that I am now up and running!!!

The new clinic is within a private medical practice, in Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire.  Where I will be working along side physio's, a massage therapist and chiropractors working along with medical doctors.  I must admit I am both excited and nervous at working with these more 'medical' people rather than my usual 'alternative therapists'.  Many main stream health care professionals (HCPs) are unsure of acupuncture and many even consider it to be 'nonsense' or 'placebo' and that it has no long term benefit, I hope that with time if any of the therapists I'll be working along side wil soon be fully versed and 'converted' with its regards to helping improve the quality of life for most people.

I'll keep you posted with regards to getting up and running and also on how i settle in to the new clinic!!

Hope your happy and healthy.. and if not, come see me!!!

Friday, 2 March 2012

Acupuncture Awareness Week & my radio appearance debut!!!

The Week isn't quite over yet, but what a week its been!!! The British Acupuncture Council has organised its first ever Acupuncture Awareness Week and has conducted a survey to show where people are still struggling with the idea of acupuncture in essence.

Fascinating stuff.. not surprised that people are put off by the idea of needles, but the thought that 53% of those surveyed think it is 'nothing more than a placebo' is a bit shocking and disturbing for me.    Guess im so used to talking to those that are already converted I didn't realise how little respect this ancient traditional medicine has.

There is a wealth of research out there showing how useful acupuncture is in treating all sorts of conditions, and it has VERY little in the way of side effects, unlike pharmaceutical interventions (which are very necessary!).  What I particularly love is that it can work on so many levels all at once.. no only can i treat your sore knee, but your repeated UTIs, and your stress/anxiety and emotional volatility all at the same time!!!

Yesterday I was asked to appear on the Fred MacAuley & Co Show, with co host Karen.  It was around an 8 minute slot during which i was asked all kinds of questions: what does it treat, can I work with all ages, does it hurt, size of the needles and was even given the challenge of doing a 'live on air' treatment.. a wee mini one  to help focus Karens mind to allow her to better face the training challenges she has set herself in preparation for an event.  I inserted 2 needles in her hair line and two in her inner wrists. Whilst the whole time talking about how tiny the needles were, the normal sensations people feel (tingling) and answering all of Fred's questions...

He also asked about cupping therapy and I took the opportunity to also mention electro-acupuncture and moxa.. which i described as getting a hug!!!!

It was an incredibly exciting opportuity to talk to the nation about the thing that i love!!! One of my clients sent me a wee message saying my passion & faith in acupuncture shone through along with my incredible knowledge on the subject.. I was hugely flattered by that feedback! And I'm relishing the idea of doigg much more work like that!!!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

colds and wee 'flu type bugs..

January flew past in a blur for me, but in a good way, work was keeping me busy as well as settling into my new home and new routine!

I was having a conversation the other day with a new client who was wonderfully self aware of what signals his body were giving him,  and he'd come for acupuncture treatment with myself to help boost his immunity as he had become aware of catching a couple of colds in just over a month.  The full consultation revealed that his energies were indeed weaker than normal, due in a VERY large part to stress wearing him down.  Both family and work pressures having a negative impact as well as working long hours and neglecting to eat regularly. 

Anyhoo, he sparked some thoughts in me, and the very next day was reading an article about how there are alternative ways to look at the common cold:
1. its our body's way of WARNING us that we need to slow down, take time out and look after ourselves.
2. its the body's way of detoxing.. that the build up of toxins etc in our system need to clear!!

I like both these ideas, the 2nd one is a new one to me, but certainly for those with chronic rhinitis (sinus problem not cold/hayfever related) this may well be the case, and it does manifest with very similar symptoms to the common cold.

Fortunately, this is where acupuncture is very useful!! I have worked with many individuals with either/or both frequent infections and sinus problems with great success.

My honours dissertation looked at the use of acupuncture in helping people with HIV manage their drug cocktail and found many articles that looked at improving immune system and found very positive results.

Common self help for boosting your immune system: zinc; echinacea and of course vitamin C are all traditionally known to help! of course don't take any herbs/vitamins without proper advice!!
 Some foods that in TCM terms can help to strengthen your immune system include: royal jelly, nettles, turnip, rice, chicken, and herring)

If receiving acupuncture is something you'd want to think about, then get in touch; FREE taster sessions always available!  Not only can I utilise my knowledge and skills in the use of needles but also cupping, electro-acupuncture and moxibustion where appropriate!

Monday, 16 January 2012

what a week!

what a week its been! monday was my 1st day working 9 til 530 at Woodlands, and had 2 new clients with interesting cases: one who's about to boil over with anger all the time, and another who's recovered from cancer last year but seems to be unable to clear out a wee light infection...

as well as a return client who's liver serosis (forgive my spelling) doesn't seem to be clearing despite being sober for over 18 months, and is getting very anxious/nervous about it all, as well as having some nasty physical symptoms.

Wednesday, fairly standard day for me.. lots of return clients who are improving steadily based on what they've told me and a new client: one of many who is suffering from fairly intense stress, and its beginning to tell.

I moved house thursday/friday. Then at the end of the move, finally, i fell due to a pot hole and badly damaged my ankle: ended up in A&E, but not broken PHEW!!!  what it meant was that I had to cancel all my clients on saturday.. gutted.. but thankfully almost all of them were very understanding and have just rescheduled to another time! So I duely spent ALL of sat and sun resting my poor wee ankle and managed back to work today (Monday!).

had a wonderful day so far, several very happy clients, all feeling a wee bit sleepy after their session, but all are the types that run on empty, so soon as you make em stop they tend to feel like they need sleep!!

And as ever, the 'discount club' is proving popular on Monday mornings!! where you can get acupuncture in Glasgow for just £25

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

new year..

Wow.. December truly flew in for me... I was given some bad news in that the Bothwell Clinic is 'restructuring' and as such I am no longer there (Joyce is working alone now).  Short term I have increased my hours at Woodland Herbs, but will begin to look for new premises as soon as I am able.

New year.. always seem followed by NEW YOU each and every year in marketing campaigns.  I consider it a great time for reflection and considering change, and in the season of water, its the perfect time for some serious nurturing and almost hibernating!

If you have decided its time for a change: use acupuncture to support you through it, it allows your body to deal with change in a much easier way, making it less of a battle! it can even help to strengthen your will so is useful for those who need a bit more determination in their day!!  As part of Woodland Herbs Acupuncture team, I am offering smoking cessation treatment at a discounted rate: just £90 for 3 sessions!

Contact me: 07964544110 for more information or to book :)