Monday, 16 January 2012

what a week!

what a week its been! monday was my 1st day working 9 til 530 at Woodlands, and had 2 new clients with interesting cases: one who's about to boil over with anger all the time, and another who's recovered from cancer last year but seems to be unable to clear out a wee light infection...

as well as a return client who's liver serosis (forgive my spelling) doesn't seem to be clearing despite being sober for over 18 months, and is getting very anxious/nervous about it all, as well as having some nasty physical symptoms.

Wednesday, fairly standard day for me.. lots of return clients who are improving steadily based on what they've told me and a new client: one of many who is suffering from fairly intense stress, and its beginning to tell.

I moved house thursday/friday. Then at the end of the move, finally, i fell due to a pot hole and badly damaged my ankle: ended up in A&E, but not broken PHEW!!!  what it meant was that I had to cancel all my clients on saturday.. gutted.. but thankfully almost all of them were very understanding and have just rescheduled to another time! So I duely spent ALL of sat and sun resting my poor wee ankle and managed back to work today (Monday!).

had a wonderful day so far, several very happy clients, all feeling a wee bit sleepy after their session, but all are the types that run on empty, so soon as you make em stop they tend to feel like they need sleep!!

And as ever, the 'discount club' is proving popular on Monday mornings!! where you can get acupuncture in Glasgow for just £25

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

new year..

Wow.. December truly flew in for me... I was given some bad news in that the Bothwell Clinic is 'restructuring' and as such I am no longer there (Joyce is working alone now).  Short term I have increased my hours at Woodland Herbs, but will begin to look for new premises as soon as I am able.

New year.. always seem followed by NEW YOU each and every year in marketing campaigns.  I consider it a great time for reflection and considering change, and in the season of water, its the perfect time for some serious nurturing and almost hibernating!

If you have decided its time for a change: use acupuncture to support you through it, it allows your body to deal with change in a much easier way, making it less of a battle! it can even help to strengthen your will so is useful for those who need a bit more determination in their day!!  As part of Woodland Herbs Acupuncture team, I am offering smoking cessation treatment at a discounted rate: just £90 for 3 sessions!

Contact me: 07964544110 for more information or to book :)