Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Getting to Bothwell Clinic

In the 2 years I have worked over at the Bothwell Clinic I have gone fmrom spending near 2 hours on buses to a 25 min drive!!!  All thanks to the new M74 and a lovely wee car!!

I manage to completely dodge the nasty M8 - sailing past everyone this morning queuing to cross the dreaded Kingston Bridge!! straight down the m74 - limited only by speed limits - 50? what were they thinking??cutting off at the uddingston junction 3a(I think!) - follow the signs for uddingston, cutting through that, past the tesco on your right and the lidl on your left heading into Bothwell - past the co op on your left and there we are!!! parking is the next left - down Green street, where there is FREE off street parking for up to i guess 60 cars, 2 min walk back round and your at the beautiful, peaceful, Bothwell Clinic...

Ideal for anyone travelling from the south side now!!!

it would seem RAC and google maps don't yet recognise the new M74 section I' ve been using it since the 1st day it opened in June - silly billies that they are!!

Friday, 9 September 2011


I was recently chatting with a music therapist and we were discussing emotions.  In his work he seemed to spend a lot of time telling people its ok to be angry and to help them find suitable outlets for it so they were no longer 'problem teens/adults'.  Along with another very interesting chat around PMT type emotional 'outbursts'.

this got me thinking about how my clients talk about emotions. The 1st thing that occured to me was that they tend to use the word emotional to mean tearful.  I think this puts a negative spin on it as being tearful usually  means we're sad, which generally isn't a pleasant feeling, and as such being emotional is negative.  But in my opinion being emotional just means having emotions which albeit we can control to some degree - perhaps we shouldn't?

The acupuncture theory (TCM) perspective is that a true emotion lasts only 7 minutes as it passes through the heart, so true laughter, tears, anger, fear etc lasts only 7 mins and then we settle back in to the norm... now This took some processing for me cos I thought about the last time my heart was broken for example and it more than certainly took more than 7 mins to get over it!!! but then when really thought about it and the raw emotion it was only about 7 maybe 10 mins at a time that i'd cry for, then i'd maybe be a bit angry, then tearful again, then just sad, and occasionally even happy or laughing at something one of my mates said to me and so forth. 

I remember having a conversation with a friend who was feeling guilty for laughing on the day of a loved ones' funeral...

basically I just find it astounding afraid people are of their emotions - we rarely stop ourselves from laughing, even when its at someones misfortune... so why stop ourselves from crying or being angry - it is merely a response to the situation we are in.

i have had numerous conversations with people about giving themselves permission to feel... one of my favorite tricks - especially when im feeling a bit 'hormonal' is to watch a film I KNOW will have me sobbing - steel magnolias is a fav - then i have a nice safe way in which to release my tears without having to work out WHY i'm tearful!  9 times out of 10, after that i'm feeling much lighter and no longer needing a 'greet'.

Interestingly, I had a discusson with a client about said 'hormonal' states and how they are frowned apon and that we should always be happy - for 2 weeks out of the month (for the average woman) we are in the 'luteal phase' which is a time for reflection and withdrawing into ones self - and as a as a society we have turned this into something negative - that we should be happy go lucky wee ladies all the year through and that periods are by their nature dirty and something to be ashamed of - now i think about it as a 30something woman - its crazy how embarrassed I was at having periods as a teen!  it reminds lme of the 50's ads on tv about being a good wife - make sure your up and dressed breakfast made for your hubby etc otherwise he'll leave you was the gist I got from them  (anyway slightly off topic now).

I guess what i'm trying to say is that emotions are not something to be thought of negatively - that if we allow them to manifiest in an appropriate way at the time at which they are evoked we can move on from them, rather than allowing them to fester or trying to block them completely, cos inevitabley they will come out, and then it really might not be pleasant for the person unfortunate enough to be at the receiving end!  We all have good and bad days/weeks/months/years/moments and thats FINE - thats how it should be!!! living in the moment is not (for me) about ignoring what has happened or is about to happen, but to constantly bring yourself back to where you're at right now and try engage fully in it - but also allow time for reflection etc...

Monday, 5 September 2011

monday morning

started my new hours as of Friday - and so far can't complain!!!
Saturday was a fantastic day - 4 hours worth of massage and 4 hours of acupuncture - nice mix :)

had a 1st visit for back pain on saturday - and immediate feedback was that the pain had gone! Today got an 'emergency' back pain client in also - someone i saw quite a while ago for completely unrelated acupuncture emailed me last night - sounding like she was in a lot of pain - lets hope i get as good results for her as i did for the guy on saturday eh!!!

Friday, 2 September 2011

my 1st blog

well figured it was about time to start sharing all that i have learned and experienced as an acupuncturist working in the Glasgow area.

Today has been mainly about getting a survey up and running to get feedback from my clients with regard to how they feel the acupuncture has helped them.

I am also in the process of changing my website completely including the hosting package so lots of very dull admin stuff today!

wednesday however at Woodand herbs was another matter - fully booked day with lots of interesting new cases: from runners knee to acne to fertility.